Wet Magic

Edith Nesbit

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Beschreibung zu „Wet Magic“

When four siblings journey to the seashore for a holiday, one of them unwittingly summons the sister of a mermaid who is captured by a circus, and the children set out to save the imprisoned being. After a daring midnight rescue, the children's reward is an incredible journey beneath the waves and into the hidden kingdom of the mermaids. But they soon find themselves in a race against time as they struggle to prevent a war and save their new underwater companions! Here is a triumphant tale by one of the finest storytellers to ever write for children, and a pioneer of fantasy literature for this age group.

Über Edith Nesbit

Edith Nesbit (1858-1924) mainly wrote fictional works for children, most notably The Story of the Treasure (1898) and The Wouldbegoods (1899). This English author and political activist also co-founded the Fabian Society, an early ancestor to England’s current Labour Party. Although Nesbit redesigned children’s literature by writing stories with realistic characters in realistic, modern situations, she also wrote political works on socialism and some stories for adults.


Aeterna Classics




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