The Phoenix and the Carpet

Edith Nesbit

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Beschreibung zu „The Phoenix and the Carpet“

In Edith Nesbit's 'The Phoenix and the Carpet', readers are taken on a magical journey through time and space as a group of siblings discover a mysterious phoenix egg that hatches into a fantastical creature. The story is filled with whimsy and adventure, blending elements of fantasy and children's literature. Nesbit's charming storytelling and vivid descriptions bring the fantastical world to life, engaging readers of all ages. The novel reflects the author's fascination with the imagination and the power of storytelling, capturing the essence of childhood wonder and possibility. 'The Phoenix and the Carpet' is a timeless classic that continues to captivate readers with its enchanting tale of friendship and discovery, making it a must-read for anyone looking to escape into a world of magic and imagination.

Über Edith Nesbit

Edith Nesbit (1858-1924) mainly wrote fictional works for children, most notably The Story of the Treasure (1898) and The Wouldbegoods (1899). This English author and political activist also co-founded the Fabian Society, an early ancestor to England’s current Labour Party. Although Nesbit redesigned children’s literature by writing stories with realistic characters in realistic, modern situations, she also wrote political works on socialism and some stories for adults.


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