The Infinite Woman

Edison Marshall

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Beschreibung zu „The Infinite Woman“

In this heroine, Lucia Riley who became Lola Montero, Edison Marshall has created every woman with her natural gifts of beauty, passion, and power. In this one woman’s life he tells a rich and violent story that speaks of men and women everywhere. With the Victorian world as a background, his brilliantly colored scenes move from Britain to India, to France, to Austria, returning to a final breath-taking climax on the moors of England. Brought up as a child in the far East, Lola defied the all-powerful god Kali. Through her tempestuous career she continued a child of conflict and defiance, of extremes of rapture and sorrow. There are many characters in this philosophical yet romantic study of beauty and adventure, of deep passion and quiet love. Mr. Marshall has used the life of the great courtesan Lola Montez as a starting point for the story and used his deep insight to transform the known facts to tell the story of THE INFINITE WOMAN.


Alien Ebooks




ca. 392





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