The Little Green Man and Other Stories

Edgar Wallce

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Beschreibung zu „The Little Green Man and Other Stories“

Edgar Wallace's 'The Little Green Man and Other Stories' is a collection of short stories that showcase his mastery in crafting gripping narratives with unexpected twists. Known for his fast-paced and suspenseful writing style, Wallace introduces readers to a variety of characters and scenarios that keep them on the edge of their seats. The stories within this collection exhibit Wallace's unique blend of mystery, crime, and intrigue, making it a must-read for fans of the genre. The intricate plots and cleverly developed characters highlight Wallace's talent for storytelling and his ability to captivate readers from the very first page. Edgar Wallace, a prolific writer in the early 20th century, drew inspiration from his background as a journalist and war correspondent to create compelling narratives. His experiences in various fields provided him with a wealth of material to draw upon, leading to the creation of memorable stories that continue to resonate with readers today. 'The Little Green Man and Other Stories' is a testament to Wallace's skill in crafting engaging and thrilling tales that leave a lasting impression on audiences. For lovers of mystery and suspense, 'The Little Green Man and Other Stories' is a must-read that showcases Edgar Wallace's talent for weaving together intricate plots and captivating characters. With each story offering a unique experience, readers are sure to be enthralled by Wallace's masterful storytelling and his ability to keep them guessing until the very end.


Good Press




ca. 130





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