The Man Who Changed His Name

Edgar Wallace Robert Curtis

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Beschreibung zu „The Man Who Changed His Name“

The Man Who Changed His Name stands as a compelling anthology, encapsulating a fascinating exploration of identity, transformation, and the human capacity for change. Within its pages, the collection spans a vibrant range of literary styles, from suspenseful thrillers to introspective narratives, deeply enmeshed within the broader literary context of early 20th century Britain. The anthologys diversity is its strength, offering readers an encompassing view of the eras narrative breadth and depth, with standout pieces that challenge and redefine perceptions of self and society. The contributing authors, Edgar Wallace and Robert Curtis, bring to this collection a rich tapestry of backgrounds, exemplifying a unique convergence of literary talents. Both authors were pivotal figures in their time, navigating the tumultuous waters of pre- and post-war Britain. Their works reflect a profound engagement with the cultural, social, and economic currents of their era, presenting a varied yet cohesive narrative voice that significantly contributes to the thematic richness of the collection. Through their storytelling, Wallace and Curtis invite readers into a dialogue with the past, exploring enduring questions of identity and change. The Man Who Changed His Name is recommended for readers seeking to immerse themselves in a literary journey that spans the complexities of human experience. This anthology offers an unparalleled opportunity to engage with the seminal works of Wallace and Curtis, whose narratives resonate with timeless themes. Readers will find educational value in the historical and cultural contexts presented, broadening their understanding of early 20th century literature. It is a must-read for those who appreciate the convergence of diverse perspectives, the exploration of identity, and the art of storytelling at its most profound.

Über Edgar Wallace

Geboren wurde Edgar Wallace 1875 als unehelicher Sohn eines Schauspielers. Er wuchs in armen Verhältnissen auf, blieb ohne Schulabschluss und hielt sich mit Gelegenheitsjobs wie Milchhändler, Maurergehilfe oder Zeitungsverkäufer über Wasser. Schließlich begann er kleine Artikel für die Zeitung zu schreiben. Mit Erfolg: Er arbeitete sich hoch bis zum Chefredakteur. Später lebte er als freier Schriftsteller und schrieb Sachbücher, Lyrik und Theaterstücke, 1904 schließlich seinen ersten Krimi ("Die vier Gerechten") – das Debüt einer beispiellosen Karriere. Edgar Wallace verfasste 175 Romane, 24 Theaterstücke, eine große Anzahl von Kurzgeschichten, Essays, Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenartikeln und Drehbüchern. Die Filme, die nach seinen Vorlagen gedreht wurden, sind kaum zu zählen. Edgar Wallace verstarb hoch verschuldet 1932 in Hollywood.


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