
Edgar Wallace

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Beschreibung zu „Großfuß“

Großfuß Edgar Wallace - Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was born illegitimately in Greenwich, London, in 1875 to actors Mary Jane Richards and T.H. Edgar. As an infant he was adopted by George Freeman, a porter at Billingsgate fish market. Aged eleven, Wallace sold newspapers at Ludgate Circus and upon leaving school took a job with a printer. He later enlisted in the Royal West Kent Regiment, before transferring to the Medical Staff Corps, and was sent to South Africa. In 1898, he published a collection of poems called 'The Mission that Failed', and subsequently left the army to become correspondent for Reuters. South African war correspondent for 'The Daily Mail' followed and his articles were later published as 'Unofficial Dispatches'. His outspokenness infuriated Lord Kitchener, who removed his credentials. He then edited the 'Rand Daily Mail', but gambled disastrously on the South African Stock Market. Returning to England, Wallace at first reported on crimes and hanging trials, before becoming editor of 'The Evening News'. It was in 1905 that he founded the Tallis Press, publishing 'Smithy', a collection of soldier stories, and 'The Four Just Men'. The latter was published with the ending removed as an advertising stunt and he offered oe500 to readers who could successfully guess the ending. Unfortunately, many did and he was almost bankrupted. At various times Wallace also worked as a journalist on 'The Standard', 'The Star', 'The Week-End Racing Supplement' and 'The Story Journal'. In 1917, he became a Special Constable at Lincoln's Inn and also a special interrogator for the War Office. The Daily Mail sent Wallace to investigate atrocities in the Belgian Congo, a trip that provided material for his 'Sanders of the River' books. In 1923, he became Chairman of the Press Club and in 1931 stood as a Liberal Parliamentary candidate for Blackpool. Wallace's first marriage in 1901 to Ivy Caldecott, daughter of a missionary, ended in divorce in 1918 and he later married his much younger secretary, Violet King. Along with countless articles, some 23 screenplays and many short stories, Wallace wrote more than 170 books, which have been translated into 28 languages and sales of which have exceeded 50 million copies.

Über Edgar Wallace

Geboren wurde Edgar Wallace 1875 als unehelicher Sohn eines Schauspielers. Er wuchs in armen Verhältnissen auf, blieb ohne Schulabschluss und hielt sich mit Gelegenheitsjobs wie Milchhändler, Maurergehilfe oder Zeitungsverkäufer über Wasser. Schließlich begann er kleine Artikel für die Zeitung zu schreiben. Mit Erfolg: Er arbeitete sich hoch bis zum Chefredakteur. Später lebte er als freier Schriftsteller und schrieb Sachbücher, Lyrik und Theaterstücke, 1904 schließlich seinen ersten Krimi ("Die vier Gerechten") – das Debüt einer beispiellosen Karriere. Edgar Wallace verfasste 175 Romane, 24 Theaterstücke, eine große Anzahl von Kurzgeschichten, Essays, Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenartikeln und Drehbüchern. Die Filme, die nach seinen Vorlagen gedreht wurden, sind kaum zu zählen. Edgar Wallace verstarb hoch verschuldet 1932 in Hollywood.


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