The Raven illustrated by Gustave Doré

Edgar Allan Poe

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Beschreibung zu „The Raven illustrated by Gustave Doré“

In the following pages, we have a fresh example of an artist's genius characterizing his interpretation of a famous poem. Gustave Doré, the last work of whose pencil is before us, was not the painter, or even the draughtsman, for realists demanding truth of tone, figure, and perfection. Such matters concerned him less than to make shape and distance, light and shade, assist his purpose,-which was to excite the soul, the imagination, of the looker on. This he did by arousing our sense of awe, through marvellous and often sublime conceptions of things unutterable and full of gloom or glory. It is well said that if his works were not great paintings, as pictures they are great indeed. As a "literary artist," and such he was, his force was in direct ratio with the dramatic invention of his author, with the brave audacities of the spirit that kindled his own.

Über Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe wurde am 19. Januar 1809 in Boston geboren und starb unter nicht vollständig geklärten Umständen am 7. Oktober 1849 in Baltimore. Er war ein bedeutender Vertreter der amerikanischen Romantik und hatte großen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der europäischen Literatur. Poe war ein Meister in der erzählerischen Darstellung von Horror- und Gruselelementen und trug mit seinen fantastisch-unheimlichen Erzählungen maßgeblich zur Ausprägung des Genres der Schauergeschichte bei. Mit seiner Figur des Detektivs C. Auguste Dupin begründete Poe außerdem den modernen Kriminalroman. Seine Erzählung »Der Doppelmord in der Rue Morgue« gilt als Geburtsurkunde der Detektivgeschichte in der uns heute bekannten Form.


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