A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar

Ebenezer Cobham Brewer

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Beschreibung zu „A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar“

In 'A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar' by Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, readers are taken on a fascinating journey through everyday objects and phenomena, exploring their scientific explanations in an accessible and engaging manner. First published in 1873, the book combines scientific knowledge with an exploration of the ordinary, making complex concepts understandable to the layperson. Brewer's literary style is clear and concise, providing a wealth of information without overwhelming the reader. The book reflects the Victorian era's interest in popular science literature, offering a unique perspective on the intersection of science and everyday life. With chapters covering topics from air and water to light and sound, readers will come away with a deeper understanding of the world around them. Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, a noted British author and compiler, was known for his work in compiling reference books and dictionaries. His background in literature and language likely influenced his ability to communicate complex scientific concepts in an accessible way. Brewer's curiosity about the natural world and his desire to share that knowledge with others is evident in 'A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar.' For readers interested in exploring the wonders of the natural world through the lens of popular science, 'A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar' is a must-read. Brewer's insightful explanations and engaging writing style make this book a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the scientific principles that govern our daily lives.


Good Press




ca. 266





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