Principles of politeness, and of knowing the world

Earl of Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield John Trusler Philip Dormer Stanhope Earl of Chesterfield

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Beschreibung zu „Principles of politeness, and of knowing the world“

In 'Principles of Politeness, and of Knowing the World', Philip Dormer Stanhope, the Earl of Chesterfield, delves into the importance of social etiquette and understanding the complexities of human behavior. Written in the 18th century, this book serves as a guide to navigating society with grace and integrity. Chesterfield's literary style is distinguished by its precise language and astute observations, making this work a classic in the realm of etiquette and social relations. The book offers valuable insights into diplomatic relationships and personal interactions, shedding light on the social norms of the time. As a prominent figure in British politics and society, Chesterfield's writing is informed by his extensive experiences and interactions with various personalities. His practical advice and philosophical musings provide a comprehensive view of human nature and the intricacies of societal expectations. 'Principles of Politeness, and of Knowing the World' is recommended to readers interested in exploring the nuances of social interactions and mastering the art of diplomacy in a historical context.


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