The Story of Newfoundland

Earl of Frederick Edwin Smith Birkenhead

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Beschreibung zu „The Story of Newfoundland“

In 'The Story of Newfoundland' by Earl of Frederick Edwin Smith Birkenhead, readers are taken on a comprehensive journey through the history, culture, and development of Newfoundland. Drawing on a wide range of primary sources, Birkenhead methodically presents a detailed account of the island's evolution from its early Indigenous inhabitants to its eventual status as a British colony. The book is written in a scholarly and engaging style, incorporating vivid descriptions and insightful analysis of the political and social dynamics that shaped Newfoundland. Birkenhead's work is a valuable contribution to the fields of Canadian history and colonial studies, providing readers with a deeper understanding of this unique and often overlooked region. With meticulous research and a keen eye for detail, 'The Story of Newfoundland' offers a compelling narrative that appeals to both academics and general history enthusiasts alike.


Good Press




ca. 122





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