Ambrose Lavendale, Diplomat

E. Phillips Oppenheim

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Beschreibung zu „Ambrose Lavendale, Diplomat“

In 'Ambrose Lavendale, Diplomat' by E. Phillips Oppenheim, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the world of international diplomacy and espionage. This gripping novel is crafted in Oppenheim's signature style, blending intricate plots, suspenseful twists, and dynamic characters. Set against the backdrop of a changing world order, the book highlights the complexities of political intrigue and personal motivations. Oppenheim's unflinching exploration of duty and loyalty makes this novel a must-read for fans of gripping espionage thrillers. E. Phillips Oppenheim, a prolific writer of his time, drew inspiration from his own experiences in the world of diplomacy to create 'Ambrose Lavendale, Diplomat'. His keen insight into political machinations and power dynamics shines through in this captivating masterpiece. Oppenheim's intricate storytelling and attention to detail has solidified his reputation as a master of the spy genre. For readers seeking a captivating blend of political intrigue, espionage, and masterful storytelling, 'Ambrose Lavendale, Diplomat' is a compelling choice. Oppenheim's skillful narrative will keep readers on the edge of their seats as they follow the adventures of the eponymous protagonist in a world where loyalty and deception go hand in hand.


Good Press




ca. 166





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