A Monk of Cruta

E. Phillips Oppenheim

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Beschreibung zu „A Monk of Cruta“

E. Phillips Oppenheim's "A Monk of Cruta" is a gripping tale set in Italy during the early 20th century, exploring themes of religious faith, loyalty, and betrayal. The novel is written in a suspenseful and engaging style, with a focus on intricate character development and vivid descriptions of the Italian landscape. Oppenheim's intricate narrative weaves together elements of mystery, romantic drama, and political intrigue, making for a compelling read that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. The book is a prime example of Oppenheim's ability to blend thrilling storytelling with deeper philosophical themes. E. Phillips Oppenheim, a prolific British author known for his espionage and mystery novels, drew inspiration from his own experiences traveling through Europe and his fascination with the complexities of human nature. His diverse background and keen insights into human behavior shine through in "A Monk of Cruta," making it a standout work in his extensive literary career. I highly recommend this book to readers who enjoy thought-provoking narratives that combine elements of suspense, romance, and moral ambiguity.


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ca. 210





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