Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes

E. E. Brown

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Beschreibung zu „Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes“

In E. E. Brown's 'Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes', readers are provided with a comprehensive biography of the renowned American jurist and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Brown's meticulous attention to detail and engaging narrative style immerses readers in the life and times of Holmes, exploring his legal career, influential judicial decisions, and lasting impact on American jurisprudence. The book also delves into Holmes' personal life, shedding light on his upbringing, relationships, and intellectual pursuits, offering a well-rounded portrait of the man behind the legal legend. Set against the backdrop of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Brown's work captures the essence of an era marked by rapid societal changes and legal developments. Through insightful analysis and compelling storytelling, 'Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes' paints a vivid picture of a pivotal figure in American legal history. Readers with an interest in biography, legal history, or the intersection of law and society will find this book to be a captivating and informative read.


Good Press




ca. 181





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