Coaching Days & Ways

E. D. Cuming

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Beschreibung zu „Coaching Days & Ways“

In 'Coaching Days & Ways' by E. D. Cuming, readers are transported back to the historical era of coaching in England, where horse-drawn coaches reigned supreme as the primary mode of transportation. The book is rich in vivid descriptions and detailed accounts of the various coaching routes, inns, and characters encountered during this golden age of travel. Cuming's writing style is both informative and engaging, providing readers with a glimpse into a bygone era through his meticulous research and charming storytelling. This book serves as a valuable historical document, shedding light on a fascinating period in transportation history. Cuming's attention to detail and passion for the subject matter is evident on every page, making 'Coaching Days & Ways' a must-read for history enthusiasts and literary connoisseurs alike. E. D. Cuming's dedication to preserving the legacy of coaching through this book is commendable, showcasing his expertise and love for the subject.


Good Press




ca. 32





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