The Magic House, and Other Poems

Duncan Campbell Scott

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Beschreibung zu „The Magic House, and Other Poems“

Duncan Campbell Scott's 'The Magic House, and Other Poems' is a collection of lyrical and contemplative poetry that delves into themes of nature, spirituality, and the human experience. Scott's poems are characterized by their rich imagery, evocative language, and nuanced exploration of the complexities of life. This collection showcases Scott's mastery of the craft, as he skillfully weaves together introspective reflections with vivid descriptions of the natural world. Set against the backdrop of early 20th-century Canadian literature, 'The Magic House, and Other Poems' stands as a testament to Scott's poetic prowess and enduring legacy in the literary canon. Influenced by his experiences as a civil servant and his deep connection to the Canadian landscape, Scott's poetry is imbued with a sense of introspection and reverence for the natural world. Fans of introspective and evocative poetry will find 'The Magic House, and Other Poems' to be a captivating and enriching read that offers a glimpse into the poetic vision of one of Canada's most celebrated poets.


Good Press




ca. 54





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