Burma and the Karens

Dr. San C. Po C.B.E.

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Beschreibung zu „Burma and the Karens“

In 'Burma and the Karens', Dr. San C. Po C.B.E. provides a comprehensive analysis of the historical and political relationship between Burma and the Karen people. Through a meticulous examination of archival documents and personal interviews, Dr. Po elucidates the struggles and resilience of the Karen community amidst the upheavals of Burma's turbulent history. His writing style is both engaging and informative, offering a nuanced perspective on the complexities of ethnic conflicts in Southeast Asia. The book is a significant contribution to the field of Southeast Asian studies, shedding light on a lesser-known aspect of Burma's sociopolitical landscape. Dr. San C. Po C.B.E.'s expertise in Burmese history and politics is evident throughout the book, reflecting his years of research and firsthand experience in the region. His academic background and personal connection to Burma make 'Burma and the Karens' a compelling and authoritative resource for scholars and general readers interested in Southeast Asian history and ethnic relations. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the historical dynamics shaping contemporary Burma and the plight of the Karen people.


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ca. 97





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