Changeling, and Other Stories

Donn Byrne

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Beschreibung zu „Changeling, and Other Stories“

Donn Byrne's 'Changeling, and Other Stories' is a collection of thought-provoking tales that explore themes of identity, transformation, and the supernatural. Written in a style reminiscent of Irish storytelling traditions, Byrne weaves together intricate plots and colorful characters to captivate readers. Each story in the collection showcases Byrne's mastery of language and his ability to evoke a sense of mystery and wonder. Set against the backdrop of rural Ireland, these stories transport readers to a world where reality blends seamlessly with the fantastical. Byrne's unique blend of realism and magic realism makes 'Changeling, and Other Stories' a captivating read for fans of literary fiction. Donn Byrne, an Irish-American author, draws inspiration from his Irish heritage and personal experiences to create these enchanting stories. His background in folklore and mythology shines through in the tales he crafts, adding depth and richness to the narratives. Recommended for readers who enjoy literary fiction with a touch of the supernatural, 'Changeling, and Other Stories' is a must-read for anyone seeking a captivating and immersive reading experience.


Good Press




ca. 273





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