You Are Mine - A completely addictive, gripping psychological thriller from Diana Wilkinson for 2023 (Unabridged)

Diana Wilkinson

Hörbuch Romane Thriller

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Beschreibung zu „You Are Mine - A completely addictive, gripping psychological thriller from Diana Wilkinson for 2023 (Unabridged)“

Jealousy can be a killer...Ten years after her boyfriend Mitch's mysterious disappearance, Rebecca finally learns the truth about what happened.
When he finally returns, a happy ending appears within their grasp but there is no escape from the past. And Arthur, Rebecca's friend who has formed an unhealthy obsession with her, has no intention of letting her go.
When Arthur realises that Mitch is the only person standing in the way of his happiness, his thoughts turn to murder...When love and obsession collide, the results are deadly.

Gelesen von:

Julie Maisey David Thorpe Rosalind Steele


Boldwood Books




9 Std. 29 Min.





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