The History of the Devils of Loudun, Volumes I-III

Des Niau

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Beschreibung zu „The History of the Devils of Loudun, Volumes I-III“

Des Niau's 'The History of the Devils of Loudun, Volumes I-III' is a seminal work that delves into the notorious case of demonic possession in Loudun, France in the 17th century. Through meticulous research and detailed accounts, Niau explores the religious, political, and psychological factors that led to the mass hysteria and execution of the supposed possessed individuals. The book is written in a scholarly style, drawing on primary sources and historical documents to present a comprehensive analysis of the events surrounding this infamous episode in history. Niau's narrative is both gripping and insightful, shedding light on the complexities of faith, power, and human nature in a tumultuous era. His exploration of the Devil's influence on society challenges readers to reflect on the enduring impact of belief and superstition. Des Niau's extensive knowledge of European history and religious studies provides a solid foundation for 'The History of the Devils of Loudun', making it a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of religion, politics, and the supernatural.


Good Press




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