For the Love of Ourida


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Beschreibung zu „For the Love of Ourida“

In order to escape Varouze's criminal family who oppressed her, Ourida managed to escape... She takes refuge with her only support: Prince Salvatore Farnerra.

The conquests of this rich and brilliant aristocrat are countless! The pretty, tender Ourida moves her, seduces her for so long. Soon even the wife.... Often he likes to show his young wife a wild admiration:

- Nothing is more beautiful than your eyes of Saracen, my beloved... he said to her one evening, in the shadow of their park in Sicily.

Hidden behind a bush, a neglected one, Marcia, the famous singer, vows to destroy this couple whose all too visible passion tortures her. But who will help him?

- I know how to lose Ourida!" says an enigmatic guesser to Marcia. Then how to get you to win back the prince.

Will Salvatore go so far as to expose his life for the love of Ourida?


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