The Teaching of Geometry

David Eugene Smith

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Beschreibung zu „The Teaching of Geometry“

In 'The Teaching of Geometry' by David Eugene Smith, the author explores the methods and techniques of teaching geometry in an educational setting. The book delves into the history of geometry education, tracing its development from ancient times to the modern classroom. Smith's writing style is clear and engaging, making complex mathematical concepts accessible to readers at all levels. The book provides practical advice for educators on how to effectively teach geometry and engage students in the learning process. Smith also discusses the importance of geometry in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Overall, the book serves as a valuable resource for teachers looking to enhance their geometry instruction. David Eugene Smith, a renowned mathematician and educator, draws upon his extensive knowledge and experience in the field of mathematics to offer insights into effective geometry teaching strategies. As a pioneer in mathematics education, Smith's expertise shines through in this comprehensive guide to teaching geometry. I highly recommend 'The Teaching of Geometry' to educators, students, and anyone interested in the art of teaching mathematics effectively.


Good Press




ca. 279





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