Sweden and the European Union

An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden

Daniel Silander Mats Öhlén

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Beschreibung zu „Sweden and the European Union“

What has EU-membership meant for Swedish policy and policy-making since the country became a member in 1995?
Has the policy changed in terms of organisation (form) and content (substance) as a result of an increasingly consolidated membership? Based on the assumption that Swedish policy is part of multilevel governance at a local, regional, national and European level, the focus is on the interaction between Swedish national policy and the EU. In this book Swedish policy refers to the following policy areas: economic, agricultural, environmental, social, education, gender equality, asylum and migration, crime prevention, foreign and security, neighbourhood and development and aid. Every policy area has been scrutinised over time, from the moment of entry into the EU until today. The book addresses students at various levels, as well as politicians, civil servants and journalists with regard to how Sweden and Europe in general, and Swedish policy and the EU in particular, are interwoven in one political system.

Contributing authors Therese Bjärstig, Tobias Bromander, Fredrik Bynander, Katarina Eckerberg, Camilla Eriksson, Ingrid Grosse, Anne Haglund-Morrissey, Martin Nilsson, Anna Parkhouse, Charlotte Silander, Daniel Silander, Sofia Strid, Rebecka Ulfgard Villanueva, Mats Öhlén


Santérus Publishing




ca. 327





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