Aromatics and the Soul: A Study of Smells

Daniel McKenzie

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Beschreibung zu „Aromatics and the Soul: A Study of Smells“

In 'Aromatics and the Soul: A Study of Smells', Daniel McKenzie delves into the fascinating world of scents and their impact on the human psyche. Through a unique blend of scientific research and philosophical musings, McKenzie explores how aromatics can evoke deep-seated emotions, memories, and spiritual experiences. His writing style is both poetic and informative, incorporating elements of psychology, chemistry, and spirituality to create a multi-faceted exploration of the olfactory sense. McKenzie's work can be seen as a contemporary take on the ancient practice of aromatherapy, offering a fresh perspective on the power of smells in our everyday lives. This book is sure to captivate readers interested in the intersection of science and spirituality, as well as those curious about the role of scent in shaping human experiences.


Good Press




ca. 106





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