The Quest to Save ABC Manufacturing

Volume 1

Daniel Donahey

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Beschreibung zu „The Quest to Save ABC Manufacturing“

The Quest to Save ABC Manufacturing: Volume 1 is a business novel that tells the story of William (Buddy), a dedicated Senior International Project Manager, from a German parent company. Buddy is on a quest to help save his company's struggling US subsidiary. As he navigates his way through a labyrinth filled with hidden enemies and unexpected challenges, he encounters cultural differences that he didn't even know existed, different ways of talking and thinking about business, different perceptions of time, and to his total surprise, a vastly different set of rules and expectations about how business should be done.

To succeed in his quest, Buddy builds a brain trust made up of like-minded managers and he soon masters AMERICAN CORPORATE SPEAK. As he quickly learns how Americans really think about business, how they work, how they lead and expect to be led, how they talk about business, including how they use 870 AMERICAN BUSINESS EXPRESSIONS AND WORDS, many of which are virtually unknown outside of North America, he also learns how to implement uniquely American strategies to get things done quickly, conveniently, and successfully.


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