ROBINSON CRUSOE & Its Sequel, The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe

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Beschreibung zu „ROBINSON CRUSOE & Its Sequel, The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe“

Set in the 17th century, Robinson Crusoe follows the eponymous Robinson Crusoe as he leaves home to make his fortune. After a series of misadventures in Africa, Crusoe is shipwrecked on a desert island for 28 years, forming much of the adventure. Crusoe's life on the island, his encounter with cannibals, and his rescue of shipwrecked Spaniards are highlights of the story. In The further adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Crusoe and Man Friday journey to Europe, then on a trading adventure to India and China. Rather than returning to Europe by ship, Crusoe's last great adventure is an overland journey across China and Siberia.
Daniel Defoe (c.1659-1731) was an English writer credited with publishing the first English-language novel, ROBINSON CRUSOE. Born Daniel Foe, he wrote more than 500 works during his life, including novels and political works, and in a variety of subjects.

Über Daniel Defoe

Daniel Defoe war ein englischer Schriftsteller in der Frühzeit der Aufklärung, der durch seinen Roman Robinson Crusoe weltberühmt wurde.

Defoe gilt damit als einer der Begründer des englischen Romans.



Musaicum Books




ca. 642





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