Memoirs of Major Alexander Ramkins (1718)

Daniel Defoe

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Beschreibung zu „Memoirs of Major Alexander Ramkins (1718)“

Daniel Defoe's 'Memoirs of Major Alexander Ramkins' is a captivating tale of military adventure and honorable service, set against the backdrop of early 18th-century England. Written in Defoe's signature clear and concise prose, the book offers a realistic portrayal of war and its impact on individuals, showcasing the author's keen eye for detail and thematic complexity. Defoe's careful depiction of the protagonist's inner struggles and external challenges creates a compelling narrative that explores themes of duty, honor, and sacrifice. This work stands as a testament to Defoe's ability to seamlessly blend storytelling with social commentary, making it a valuable piece of English literature. Published in 1718 during a time of political upheaval and military conflict, 'Memoirs of Major Alexander Ramkins' remains a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today.

Über Daniel Defoe

Daniel Defoe war ein englischer Schriftsteller in der Frühzeit der Aufklärung, der durch seinen Roman Robinson Crusoe weltberühmt wurde.

Defoe gilt damit als einer der Begründer des englischen Romans.



Good Press




ca. 82





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