The Spring of the Year

Dallas Lore Sharp

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Beschreibung zu „The Spring of the Year“

"The Spring of the Year" by Dallas Lore Sharp is a book of outdoor facts. Naturally many of the birds and animals and flowers mentioned, as well as woods and aspects of sky and field, are those of the author's own local environment, the New England surrounding. So they must differ in some details from those surrounding you in your far Southern home or you on your distant Pacific coast. But the similarities and correspondences, the things and conditions people have in common, are more than the differences. In this book of the season, the things treated differ from the things around you, read about those things for information, and in your journeys afield fill in the gaps with whatever it is that completes your landscape, or rounds out your cycle of the seasons, or links up to your endless chain of life.






ca. 102





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