77 North

D.L. Marshall

Hörbuch Romane Thriller

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Beschreibung zu „77 North“

John Tyler has gone rogue, pursuing an international vendetta against those responsible for killing his brother. But he's lured back by the CIA for one final mission. Simple, for a man like Tyler: journey to an old Soviet-era hotel in the frozen wastes of Siberia to obtain information from a Russian scientist about a double agent within NATO. But strange things are afoot, events related to the hotel's grisly past and the KGB's Cold war experiments into psychic phenomena . . . Unexplained deaths revolve around the scientist, and with enemies from Tyler's own past emerging, he must fight to keep the man alive. But a killer stalks the hotel's dilapidated corridors, able, apparently, to kill through concrete walls and sealed doors. As Tyler homes in on the double agent, he quickly realises nothing is as it seems, and his own past is coming back to haunt him . . .

Gelesen von:

David Morley Hale


Isis Audio




14 Std. 26 Min.





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