Royal English Bookbindings

Cyril Davenport

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Beschreibung zu „Royal English Bookbindings“

Cyril Davenport's 'Royal English Bookbindings' is a seminal work in the field of bookbinding history, providing a comprehensive exploration of the exquisite artistry and craftsmanship of English book bindings throughout the centuries. Davenport delves into the intricate details of royal bindings, showcasing the luxurious materials, intricate designs, and skilled techniques used by master binders. His meticulous examination of the evolution of bookbinding styles offers valuable insights into the cultural and artistic context of different periods. The book is richly illustrated, allowing readers to appreciate the beauty and significance of each binding discussed. Davenport's prose is both scholarly and accessible, making this book a must-read for anyone interested in the history of bookbinding. Readers will be immersed in a world of royal splendor and fine craftsmanship, gaining a newfound appreciation for the art of bookbinding and its cultural importance.


Good Press




ca. 70





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