Relocation of the Capital City Case

Constitutional Court of Korea

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Beschreibung zu „Relocation of the Capital City Case“

The 'Relocation of the Capital City Case' by the Constitutional Court of Korea offers a thorough examination of the legal intricacies surrounding the controversial decision to relocate the capital city. Delving into constitutional law, administrative law, and urban planning, the book presents a detailed analysis of the historical, political, and legal context that influenced this significant ruling. Through a combination of case studies, legal arguments, and policy recommendations, the book provides insightful insights into the complexities of governance and urban development in South Korea. The writing is lucid and precise, making it accessible to both legal scholars and the general public. This book serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in constitutional law, governmental decision-making processes, and urban planning policies in South Korea. Contributors include esteemed jurists and legal experts, ensuring a comprehensive and authoritative examination of this important legal case.


Good Press




ca. 74





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