A Wedding Trip

condesa de Emilia Pardo Bazán Emilia condesa de Pardo Bazán

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Beschreibung zu „A Wedding Trip“

Emilia condesa de Pardo Bazán's 'A Wedding Trip' is a compelling novella that delves into the complex themes of love, marriage, and class in 19th-century Spain. Written in a realist literary style, the narrative follows a newlywed couple on their honeymoon journey through the Spanish countryside, exploring the tensions that arise between them as they navigate societal expectations and personal desires. Pardo Bazán's vivid descriptions and keen insight into human nature bring the characters to life, making the reader ponder the intricacies of relationships and social norms of the time. This novella is a prime example of Pardo Bazán's ability to capture the nuances of everyday life with depth and sensitivity. A pioneer of Spanish naturalism, Pardo Bazán uses 'A Wedding Trip' to offer a commentary on the institution of marriage and the roles of men and women in society, making it a thought-provoking read for those interested in 19th-century Spanish literature and feminist perspectives.


Good Press




ca. 222





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