No One Left to Lie To

The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton

Christopher Hitchens

Politik & Gesellschaft

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Beschreibung zu „No One Left to Lie To“

In this vitriolic polemic, Christopher Hitchens takes on the myth surrounding the most divisive political figures in American political history: Bill Clinton and Hilary Clinton.
By far the best of all the books on the Clinton era. - Edward Said
In No One Left to Lie To, Christopher Hitchens portrays President Bill Clinton as one of the most ideologically skewed and morally negligent politicians of recent times. In a blistering polemic which shows that Clinton was at once philanderer and philistine, crooked and corrupt, Hitchens challenges perceptions - of liberals and conservatives alike - of this highly divisive figure.
With blistering wit and meticulous documentation, Hitchens masterfully deconstructs Clinton's abject propensity for pandering to the Left while delivering to the Right and argues that the president's personal transgressions were inseparable from his political corruption.

Über Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens, geboren 1949 im englischen Portsmouth, war als Buchautor und Auslandskorrespondent, Essayist, Literaturkritiker und Dozent tätig. Er schrieb regelmäßig u.a. für die New York Times, Slate, Vanity Fair und das Wall Street Journal. 2007 erschien sein Buch "Der Herr ist kein Hirte" im Blessing Verlag, 2011 sein Essay "Der Feind". Am 15. Dezember 2011 erlag Christopher Hitchens einer langen Krankheit.


Atlantic Books




ca. 151





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