Pearls from Eden

Christian Schiller

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Beschreibung zu „Pearls from Eden“

An extensive collection of life wisdom, aphorisms, sayings and maxims, developed over a period of more than 50 years, more helpful than a novel, more poetic than a non-fictional book, with elements from mysticism, philosophy, psychology, epistemology, metaphysics, pacifism, minimalism / deeply religious - without Jesus, Bible, church / in simple language / no long flow texts, thus better memorability / ideally suited for slow reading ("deep reading")) / Willingness to learn required as in a self-study course / Enlightenment about heaven and earth, love and death / Eden understood as a meeting point of man and God / Inspiration for serenity and inner peace / helpful insights for contemplation and meditation / full of invitations to pause / positive beliefs for our inner dialogue, that decides about our mental well-being / guaranteed positive effectiveness if you take your thoughts seriously / overcoming familiar thought patterns to open up new perspectives / an eagle's perspective for new horizons / a mental ark in a time flooded with offers and stimuli / a counter-project to the egocentric way of being / help to switch off the evaluation machine in your head / .....
Sorry for the translation mistakes in this book, but in case of a professional translation it would has been much more expensive.






ca. 54





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