Psycho Thrill - The Beast Within

Uwe Voehl Christian Endres


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Beschreibung zu „Psycho Thrill - The Beast Within“

Jackson Ellis is a bouncer at a Seattle night club. But deep within, he fosters a hideous beast. No one can know about the curse he carries, though some have discovered his dark secret. And they have the means to break him. Their goal is to destroy Jackson Ellis, as well as the beast within. The torture doesn’t go as planned. So what does revenge look like, when all that is left is rage?

-- PSYCHO THRILL is a series of horror novellas - from classic ghost story to psychological thriller and dark fantasy. Each of the novellas was first published in German and has now been published for the first time in English. Among the writers are popular German authors, as well as newcomers to the scene. Each story is self-contained. PSYCHO THRILL is produced by Uwe Voehl.

-- For fans of Stephen King: Dark Tower series, Neil Gaiman: Fragile Things, and the American Horror Story TV series


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