Pioneers and Founders or, Recent Workers in the Mission field

Charlotte M. Yonge

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Beschreibung zu „Pioneers and Founders or, Recent Workers in the Mission field“

In Charlotte M. Yonge's 'Pioneers and Founders or, Recent Workers in the Mission field', readers are taken on a literary journey through the lives of missionaries who played pivotal roles in spreading Christianity around the world. This informative and engaging book not only provides valuable insights into the challenges and triumphs faced by these pioneers but also offers a deeper understanding of the religious and cultural contexts in which they operated. Yonge's writing style is both detailed and empathetic, making the stories of these missionaries come alive on the pages. The book serves as a significant contribution to both missionary literature and 19th-century British literature, showcasing Yonge's skill as a storyteller and historian. Charlotte M. Yonge's deep religious faith and interest in history led her to write 'Pioneers and Founders', as she sought to honor the dedication and sacrifice of the missionaries she so greatly admired. Her meticulous research and personal connection to the subject matter shine through the pages, making this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in missionary work or religious history. Recommended for readers seeking a comprehensive and heartfelt exploration of missionary endeavors and their impact on global societies.


Good Press




ca. 388





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