On His Majesty's Secret Service

Charlie Higson


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Beschreibung zu „On His Majesty's Secret Service“

It is the 4th of May, two days before the coronation of King Charles III and the world's favourite spy has his work cut out for him.Bond is sent at the last minute to thwart an attempt to disrupt the Coronation by the wealthy, eccentric and self-styled Athelstan of Wessex, who is on a deadly mission of his own to teach the United Kingdom a lesson. Can Bond dismantle his shady plans and defeat his privately hired team of mercenaries?
This all-new 007 adventure is produced to celebrate the Coronation and all royalties from the sale of the book will go to support the work of the UK charity, the National Literacy Trust.

Über Charlie Higson

Charlie Higson, 1958 im englischen Somerset geboren, ist ein englischer Schauspieler, Sänger und Schriftsteller. Bekannt wurde er vor allem durch seine "Young Bond"-Romane, eine Serie über den jungen James Bond, die in England ein Riesenerfolg ist. Der Autor lebt mit seiner Frau und den drei gemeinsamen Söhnen in London.


Ian Fleming Publications




ca. 124





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