A Vindication of England's Policy with Regard to the Opium Trade

Charles Reginald Haines

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Beschreibung zu „A Vindication of England's Policy with Regard to the Opium Trade“

In 'A Vindication of England's Policy with Regard to the Opium Trade,' Charles Reginald Haines delves into the controversial topic of England's involvement in the opium trade with China during the 19th century. Haines meticulously examines the historical background, economic factors, and political motivations behind England's decision to trade opium with China, offering a critical analysis of the consequences of this trade on both countries. The book is written in a persuasive and scholarly style, drawing on primary sources and academic research to support its arguments. Haines provides a balanced view of the complexities surrounding this issue, making it a valuable contribution to the study of colonial history and international relations. Charles Reginald Haines, a renowned historian and expert in colonial studies, brings his expertise to bear in 'A Vindication of England's Policy with Regard to the Opium Trade.' His in-depth knowledge of British imperial policies and their impact on global trade lends credibility to his analysis of this controversial topic. Haines' extensive research and nuanced understanding of the subject make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the history of colonialism and international trade. I highly recommend 'A Vindication of England's Policy with Regard to the Opium Trade' to readers looking to deepen their understanding of the complexities of colonial history and the economic forces that have shaped global politics. Haines' insightful analysis and thorough research make this book an essential read for anyone interested in the intersections of politics, economics, and imperialism.


Good Press




ca. 80





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