An essay towards a natural history of serpents

Charles Owen

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Beschreibung zu „An essay towards a natural history of serpents“

Charles Owen's 'An Essay Towards a Natural History of Serpents' is a comprehensive exploration of the various species of serpents found in nature, providing detailed descriptions of their physical characteristics, habitats, and behaviors. Written in a scientific and scholarly tone, this book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, herpetologists, and enthusiasts interested in the world of serpents. Owen's meticulous observations and in-depth analysis demonstrate a keen understanding of the subject matter, making this work both informative and engaging. Set against the backdrop of the Enlightenment era, this book reflects the growing interest in natural history and the exploration of the natural world. Charles Owen, a respected naturalist and scholar, draws upon his extensive knowledge and research to present a compelling study of serpents, shedding light on their often misunderstood nature. This book is highly recommended for anyone seeking to expand their understanding of these fascinating creatures and their place in the ecosystem.


Good Press




ca. 304





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