Glossary of Geological and Other Scientific Terms Used in the Principles of Geology

Charles Lyell

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Beschreibung zu „Glossary of Geological and Other Scientific Terms Used in the Principles of Geology“

Charles Lyell's 'Glossary of Geological and Other Scientific Terms Used in the Principles of Geology' serves as an indispensable companion to his groundbreaking work, 'Principles of Geology'. This comprehensive glossary delves into the intricate language and terminology of the geological sciences, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the concepts discussed in Lyell's seminal text. The clarity and precision of Lyell's writing style make this glossary an essential reference for students, researchers, and enthusiasts in the field of geology. By elucidating complex terms and concepts, Lyell empowers readers to engage more fully with geological knowledge and concepts. His meticulous attention to detail showcases his expertise and dedication to the sciences, elevating this glossary to a scholarly standard. Charles Lyell, known as the father of modern geology, drew upon his extensive fieldwork and observations to produce this definitive glossary. His passion for advancing geological understanding is evident in the meticulous definitions and explanations provided in this work. By referencing this glossary, readers can enhance their comprehension of geological principles and theories, making it an invaluable resource for both novice and experienced geologists. I highly recommend 'Glossary of Geological and Other Scientific Terms Used in the Principles of Geology' to anyone seeking a deeper insight into the language and concepts of the geological sciences.


Good Press




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