Froude's History of England

Charles Kingsley

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Beschreibung zu „Froude's History of England“

Charles Kingsley's 'Froude's History of England' is a meticulously researched and passionately written survey of English history. Kingsley provides a unique perspective on the events and personalities that shaped the nation, delving into social, religious, and political aspects with depth and insight. His clear and engaging prose style makes this historical volume accessible to a wide range of readers, from scholars to history enthusiasts. Kingsley's work reflects the Romantic literary context of the 19th century, emphasizing the moral and spiritual dimensions of history and celebrating the heroic achievements of the past. The book stands out for its vivid storytelling and its call for readers to draw inspiration from the struggles and triumphs of previous generations. Charles Kingsley, a renowned Victorian author and clergyman, was deeply involved in social reform movements and held strong religious convictions. His interest in history and commitment to social justice are evident in this enlightening and thought-provoking work. I highly recommend 'Froude's History of England' to anyone interested in British history, literature, or the intersection of the two. Kingsley's passionate writing and insightful analysis make this book a valuable addition to any library.


Good Press




ca. 49





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