Petty's Place in the History of Economic Theory

Charles Henry Hull

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Beschreibung zu „Petty's Place in the History of Economic Theory“

In Charles Henry Hull's 'Petty's Place in the History of Economic Theory', the author provides readers with a comprehensive analysis of the economic theories put forth by Sir William Petty, a key figure in the history of economics. Hull delves into Petty's groundbreaking ideas on political economy and his contributions to the development of economic thought during the 17th century. The book is written in a scholarly and detailed manner, perfect for readers interested in the history of economic theory and the evolution of economic thought over time. Charles Henry Hull, a renowned economist and historian, brings his expertise to this study of Sir William Petty's work. Hull's background in economics and his passion for historical research make him uniquely qualified to explore Petty's significance in the field of economic theory. The author's meticulous analysis and in-depth understanding of the subject matter shine through in this well-researched book. I highly recommend 'Petty's Place in the History of Economic Theory' to readers who are interested in delving into the origins of economic thought and gaining a deeper understanding of the influential ideas put forth by Sir William Petty. Charles Henry Hull's insightful examination of Petty's work offers valuable insights into the foundations of modern economics.


Good Press




ca. 32





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