On Some Ancient Battle-Fields in Lancashire

And Their Historical, Legendary, and Aesthetic Associations

Charles Hardwick

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Beschreibung zu „On Some Ancient Battle-Fields in Lancashire“

In 'On Some Ancient Battle-Fields in Lancashire' by Charles Hardwick, the author delves into the historical significance of various battle sites in Lancashire, providing a meticulous and informative account of the battles that took place there. Hardwick's literary style is characterized by a keen attention to detail and a thorough analysis of the events that occurred on these ancient battlefields, offering readers a vivid and immersive experience of Lancashire's tumultuous past. Set in the context of Lancashire's rich history, the book explores the lasting impact of these battles and their relevance to the region today. Charles Hardwick's profound knowledge of Lancashire's history and his passion for preserving its heritage shine through in this scholarly work. As a respected historian and researcher, Hardwick's expertise in the field makes 'On Some Ancient Battle-Fields in Lancashire' a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of Lancashire or military history in general. This book comes highly recommended for those seeking a comprehensive exploration of Lancashire's ancient battlefields and the stories they hold.


Good Press




ca. 191





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