Charles Gounod

Autobiographical Reminiscences with Family Letters and Notes on Music

Charles Gounod

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Beschreibung zu „Charles Gounod“

Charles Gounod's self-titled book delves into the life and works of the renowned French composer. The book not only provides a comprehensive overview of Gounod's musical compositions but also explores the cultural and historical context in which he created his masterpieces. Gounod's lyrical and melodious style, influenced by Romanticism, is highlighted throughout the book, making it a must-read for music enthusiasts and scholars alike. With detailed analysis and insightful commentary, this book sheds light on Gounod's influence on the music world. Charles Gounod's dedication to his craft and passion for music are evident in his compositions, making this book a valuable resource for those looking to understand the brilliance of this composer. The author's in-depth research and expertise in the subject matter make this book an indispensable addition to any music lover's collection, offering a rich and engaging exploration of Gounod's life and legacy.


Good Press




ca. 146





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