The Smugglers

Picturesque Chapters in the Story of an Ancient Craft

Charles G. Harper

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Beschreibung zu „The Smugglers“

In Charles G. Harper's novel, 'The Smugglers,' readers are immersed in a thrilling tale of smuggling operations in the 18th century. The book is characterized by its vivid descriptions of coastal landscapes, intricate plot twists, and skilful character development. Harper's use of language and attention to detail offer readers a rich reading experience that transports them to a world of danger and intrigue. Set against a backdrop of political unrest and economic instability, 'The Smugglers' explores the darker side of society where illicit activities thrive. The novel is a blend of adventure, mystery, and social commentary, making it a captivating read for lovers of historical fiction. Charles G. Harper's writing style is both engaging and informative, providing readers with a unique perspective on the underbelly of society during a tumultuous period in history. 'The Smugglers' is a must-read for those interested in the complexities of human nature and the allure of forbidden pursuits.


Good Press




ca. 176





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