The Great North Road, the Old Mail Road to Scotland: York to Edinburgh

Charles G. Harper

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Beschreibung zu „The Great North Road, the Old Mail Road to Scotland: York to Edinburgh“

In 'The Great North Road, the Old Mail Road to Scotland: York to Edinburgh', Charles G. Harper meticulously details the historical significance and cultural richness of the route from York to Edinburgh. Harper's prose is elegant and evocative, immersing the reader in the landscape and history of this iconic journey. The book not only serves as a travelogue but also as a window into the past, highlighting the changes and continuities along the route over the centuries. Harper's attention to detail and vivid descriptions make the reader feel as though they are traveling alongside him on this fascinating road. The blend of history, geography, and personal experience adds depth and richness to the narrative. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in British history, travel writing, or the cultural heritage of the United Kingdom.


Good Press




ca. 196





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