Letters from a Father to His Son Entering College

Charles Franklin Thwing

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Beschreibung zu „Letters from a Father to His Son Entering College“

Charles Franklin Thwing's 'Letters from a Father to His Son Entering College' is a poignant collection of letters offering guidance and wisdom to a young man embarking on his collegiate journey. Written in an epistolary style, the book provides invaluable advice on navigating the challenges of higher education, fostering personal growth, and developing a sense of purpose. Thwing's eloquent prose and insightful reflections make this book a timeless guide for students transitioning into a new phase of life, capturing the essence of a father's love and concern for his son in a rapidly changing world. Charles Franklin Thwing, a renowned educator and former President of Western Reserve University, brings a wealth of experience and scholarly knowledge to his writings. His dedication to the academic development and personal growth of young individuals shines through in this collection of letters, underscoring the importance of education and character building in shaping a successful future. I highly recommend 'Letters from a Father to His Son Entering College' to readers seeking thoughtful advice, moral guidance, and intellectual stimulation. Thwing's heartfelt letters offer timeless lessons that resonate with readers of all ages, making this book a must-read for students, parents, and educators alike.


Good Press




ca. 26





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