The Atom-Smashing Power of Your Mind

Charles Fillmore

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Beschreibung zu „The Atom-Smashing Power of Your Mind“

A great many passages in this book testify to Charles Fillmore's persistent interest in what is popularly called atomic energy and the promise held out by its development of a better world for mankind. From another standpoint Charles Fillmore's mind was simply fascinated by the idea of the atom, this infinitesimal particle of substance, and the enormous energy locked up in it. At times he thought of it as the most perfect representation in the manifest world of that divine mental or spiritual energy which pervades all things and which, when properly expressed through the minds of His children, serves so greatly to glorify God. At other times he thought of it as the very essence of this mental or spiritual energy, Spirit-mind itself! The reader will find each one of these standpoints set forth over and over--perhaps vaguely and mystically at times--but ever testifying to the alertness and vitality of Charles Fillmore's mind and his unflagging interest in everything in his world.
The Atomic Age
The Restorative Power of the Spirit
Spiritual Obedience
I AM or Superconsciousness
The Day of Judgment
Thou Shalt Decree a Thing
Thinking in the Fourth Dimension
Is This God's World?
Demonstrating Christ Thought by Thought
Truth Radiates Light
The Only Mind
Contact with the Christ Mind
Metaphysics of Shakespeare
The Body
Faith Precipitations
The Seed Is the Word
The Resurrecting Power of the Word
The End of the Age


Musaicum Books




ca. 123





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