Madame Flirt

A Romance of 'The Beggar's Opera'

Charles Edward Pearce

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Beschreibung zu „Madame Flirt“

Charles Edward Pearce's 'Madame Flirt' is a captivating novel that delves into the intricacies of society's expectations and the personal desires of its characters. Set in the Victorian era, Pearce's literary style beautifully captures the drama and tension of the time, making the novel an engaging read for those interested in historical fiction. The exploration of love, betrayal, and societal norms adds depth to the story, allowing readers to reflect on the complexities of human nature and relationships. Pearce's attention to detail and rich character development create a vivid world for readers to immerse themselves in. Charles Edward Pearce, a prolific writer known for his insightful portrayals of Victorian society, brings his expertise to 'Madame Flirt'. With a background in literature and a keen understanding of human nature, Pearce skillfully weaves a tale that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. His ability to blend historical accuracy with compelling storytelling sets him apart as a talented author with a unique perspective. I highly recommend 'Madame Flirt' to readers who enjoy historical fiction with a focus on societal expectations and personal relationships. Charles Edward Pearce's novel offers a gripping narrative that will capture the imagination of anyone interested in exploring the complexities of love and loyalty in a bygone era.


Good Press




ca. 226





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