Indian Boyhood & From the Deep Woods to Civilization

Charles Eastman

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Beschreibung zu „Indian Boyhood & From the Deep Woods to Civilization“

"From the Deep Woods to Civilization" we will hear of a single-hearted quest throughout eighteen years of adolescence and early maturity, for the attainment of the modern ideal of Christian culture. It is clearly impossible to tell the whole story, but much that cannot be told may be read "between the lines." The broad outlines, the salient features of an uncommon experience are here set forth in the hope that they may strengthen for some readers the conception of our common humanity. "Indian Boyhood," presents the incredible adventurous childhood and youth which were a part of the free wilderness life of the first American — a life that is gone forever. By dint of much persuasion, the story has now been carried on from the point of that plunge into the unknown with which the first book ends, a change so abrupt and so overwhelming that the boy of fifteen "felt as if he were dead and travelling to the spirit land." In his second autobiography






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