The Indeterminate Sentence: What Shall Be Done with the Criminal Class?

Charles Dudley Warner

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Beschreibung zu „The Indeterminate Sentence: What Shall Be Done with the Criminal Class?“

In Charles Dudley Warner's seminal work, 'The Indeterminate Sentence: What Shall Be Done with the Criminal Class?', the author delves into the complexities of the criminal justice system and the treatment of offenders. Written in a straightforward and thought-provoking style, the book addresses the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the punishment of criminals, calling for reform and a more humane approach. Warner's astute observations and detailed analysis of the societal implications of incarceration make this book a significant contribution to the field of penology. Set against the backdrop of the late 19th century, Warner's insights remain relevant and enlightening today.

Über Charles Dudley Warner

Charles Dudley Warner (*12. September 1829; †20. Oktober 1900)


Good Press




ca. 15





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